How Tutoring Helps

Every student learns in a different way

How Tutoring Helps

Every student learns in a different way

How Tutoring Helps

Keep your child academically motivated all year.

How to tell if your child needs tutoring

One of the many things I discovered in my career as a teacher and educator was that every student learns in a different way. Some children take more time to absorb lessons, while others need a little more challenge. Signs that indicate your child may need tutoring include: failing grades, resistance to do homework, complaints about school, or notes from teachers about disruptive behavior. Tutoring helps overcome these problems. It’s not a question of having a lazy child. It’s often a question of motivation or inability to process the information.


Tutoring speeds up the learning process and develops skills the student has lost. It will get them back up to the instructional level so the classroom teacher can continue the learning process. No matter the reason, tutoring can offer the additional personal attention not available in a regular classroom setting, but so necessary for academic success.


For students who find themselves behind we teach basic skills. And for above level students, we provide enrichment. We target key areas in phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension to strengthen reading skills. In math, we address weakness in computation and problem solving in order to provide a solid foundation for learning in higher grades.


We’ve been serving Heights area students for more than 20 years. Our students, from kindergarten through 12th grade, see substantial improvements in their grades, test scores, and self-esteem. We work hard to make sure all our students become independent learners; with the motivation and confidence they need to be academically successful.

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